Payments Templates
Anything with “##” is a placeholder that Tinsel automatically recognizes and replaces with the proper data. You can leave these in the templates and Tinsel will replace them automatically. Here is a list of placeholders currently available:
- ##FIRST_NAME## ← This will be replaced with the first name of the primary contact.
- ##AMOUNT_PAID## ← This will be replaced with the amount already paid on the proposal at the time the email is sent.
- ##INVOICE_BALANCE## ← This will be replaced with the balance of the invoice at the time the email is sent. (not to be confused with the proposal balance)
- ##PROPOSAL_BALANCE## ← This will be replaced with the balance of the total proposal at the time the email is sent. (not to be confused with invoice balance)
Additionally, anything that is highlighted should be replaced with information that is relevant to your company.
If you would like to pay by cash, contact your sales rep to make arrangements.
If you wish to pay by check, payments are to be made payable to “CHRISTMAS LIGHT COMPANY” and mailed to: