Creating A New Client
Creating a new client can be done in one of two different ways.
- From the Clients tab
- By accepting a Prospect on the Dashboard
Creating A New Client from the Client Tab
- Navigate to the Client tab in the Navigation bar (on the left of your screen).
- On the top of the page, click “New Client”
- Fill in the details.
- Name:
- When dealing with someone’s name, we suggest this format: “{Last Name}, {First Name} {Middle Initial}”. For example: “Smith, John C”
- For commercial clients, we suggest using the name field for the name of the business and then adding contacts for the individual people that you will be doing business with.
- Type:
- Residential: These will be clients that want you to perform work for their homes.
- Commercial: These will be clients that want you to perform work for their business.
- Other: These will be clients that want you to perform work for them outside of their home or business.
- Lead Type
- Lead type signifies where the client has heard about your business. Some common lead types in our industry include:
- A form on your own website
- Word of Mouth
- Lead type signifies where the client has heard about your business. Some common lead types in our industry include:
- Status
- Prospect: These are clients who have not purchased your services yet. We use this status to signify that they are a “lead” and not an actual customer yet.
- Customer: These are clients who have already made purchases with you. These could be clients from previous years, months, weeks, or days. Once a proposal has been accepted in Tinsel, the client status updates from Prospect to Customer automatically.
- Wait List: These are clients that have reached out to us too late in the season to get a quote. We put them on the Wait List and if we have more installation time available, we can reach out to them and provide them a quote.
- Inactive: These are clients that have decided not to use our services or have decided not to renew a previous contract.
- Address
- Fill in the address starting with the Street. You will notice Tinsel will automatically begin to search for addresses that match what you have already started typing in, saving you time when creating a lot of clients.
- Name:
When finished, click “Save” .
Creating a New Client by Accepting a Prospect on the Dashboard
- On the Dashboard, there is a panel named “Prospects”. Here is where you will find all the prospective clients that have been scraped from your email address. For more info on how to set this up, click here.
- Before you click on a prospect’s name, you will notice two buttons on the right-hand side of the panel: A green button with a white Check Mark
, and a gray button with a white Clock
- The Green Button allows you to save the prospect as a client with the status of “Prospect”
- The Grey button allows you to save the prospect as a client with the status “Wait List”
- Additionally, if you click on the prospect’s name, a lightbox will appear. Here is where you can see all the details the prospect has supplied to you in their initial contact method.
- Here you have 4 options:
- Click on the green “Accept” Button
to save the prospect as a client with the status “Prospect”.
- Click the gray “Wait List” Button
to save the prospect as a client with the status “Wait List.”
- Click the red “Reject” Button
to reject this prospect, which will remove them from the Prospects panel and NOT create the client.
- Click on the green “Accept” Button
Click the gray “Close” button to close this lightbox and take no action.