Email Bounce/Complaint Notifications
You may receive a notification indicating that a bounce has occurred when sending emails via Tinsel CRM. A bounce indicates that there was an issue delivering the email to a recipient. Please see below for a list of bounce types:
- Permanent: The system was unable to deliver an email to a recipient and will be unlikely to do so in the future.
- Transient: The system was unable to deliver an email to a recipient due to a temporary issue (full mailbox, out-of-the-office response, etc.) and will most likely be able to do so after the issue is resolved.
You may receive a notification indicating that a complaint has been received when sending emails via Tinsel CRM. A complaint indicates that a recipient’s ISP has detected an issue with the email. Please see below for a list of complaint types:
Note: A complaint does not necessarily indicate that you have done something wrong.
- Abuse: Indicates unsolicited email or some other kind of email abuse.
- Auth Failure: Email authentication failure report.
- Fraud: Indicated some kind of fraud or phishing activity.
- Not Spam: Indicates that the entity providing the report does not consider the message to be spam. This may be used to correct a message that was incorrectly tagged or categorized as spam.
- Other: Indicates any other feedback that does not fit into other registered types.
- Virus: Reports that a virus is found in the originating message.